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Friends of NSG

We are a small group of parents and other interested parties whose aim is to raise small amounts of money that can be used for the benefit of as wide a range of pupils as possible.
The items that we purchase are extras that otherwise the school would find it difficult to provide and are in addition to what is provided through curriculum areas.
New members are always welcome.

Please ‘like’ our Facebook page or email to stay up-to-date with how you can be involved in supporting the Friends of NSG!

You can also help us without any real effort by using the portal “The Giving Machine” for your online shopping.

Over the past year, the Friends of NSG have focused funding on two main items:

  • Portable floodlights to the value of £2000
  • Duke of Edinburgh equipment totalling £1000

We were also able to make donations for large art folders that helped A-level students take their work to show future universities, and we were able to buy a fridge for the Post-16 area, which was gratefully received by the students!

It is lovely to have the support of the school working together with parents on fundraising activities, and the modern languages department very kindly donated the £150 proceeds of their open evening cake sale to us for future purchases.

Collection of CDs and DVDs
Throughout the year, we collect CDs and DVDs which we can then exchange for money that we use to support the school. If you have any of these that you no longer want, we would be grateful for their donation. These can be left in the reception area of Northampton School for Girls. 

Thank you for your generosity,

Friends of NSG