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Examination Information

2024 Examinations - Information for Students and Parent

It is our aim to make the examination experience for all students at Northampton School for Girls as stress-free and successful as possible. Well-informed students understand that the rules and regulations, applied through the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) across schools nationally, are designed to ensure fairness and minimise disturbance to ensure that exams run smoothly.

Students and their parents may also find this “frequently asked questions” section useful as they prepare for their examinations.

Results Days 2024

A-Level and Level 3 Results

  • A-Level and Level 3 results will be available for collection in person via the main school reception from 8.30am on Thursday 15th August 2024. In addition, results will be provided electronically to students via Edulink One and their school email account. These will be released from 8.00am.

GCSE Results

  • GCSE results will be available for collection in person via the main school reception from 8.30am on Thursday 22nd August 2024. In addition, results will be provided electronically to students via Edulink One and their school email account. These will be released from 8.00am.

Sixth Form Enrolment

  • When you receive your GCSE results you will also receive an email inviting you to enrol online.  
  • Senior staff, including the Director of Sixth Form, will be available in school between 9:00am and 1:00pm to support students and provide guidance around next steps and future plans.

Post results service and Appeals

The Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) has a  published the process available for any student wishing to appeal their results this summer.

There is a two-step process in regard to appeals:

Stage one - involves a post-results service clerical re-check or a review of marking.

Please click here for the 2023-24 Internal Appeals Procedure

Please click here to download the A Level and GCSE Internal Appeals Form

Stage two - appeals fall into three areas: 

  • An appeal against results
  • An appeal against malpractice decisions
  • An appeal against decisions made in respect of access arrangements, reasonable adjustments and special consideration

Stage One must be completed before a Stage Two appeal will be considered by the awarding body.

It is important to note that both parts of the process, Stage One and Stage Two, must be made by the student through the school.

Appeals cannot be made directly to the exam board by an individual.