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A Glimpse into Democracy: Election Day at Northampton School for Girls

Hello NSG community and beyond!

We are thrilled to share a behind-the-scenes look at a special event that took place at Northampton School for Girls on Monday, 1st July—our very own Election Day! This event was not just a fun activity but an educational experience designed to bring the principles of democracy to life for our students.

Engaging Our Students in Democracy

At NSG, we believe in the importance of teaching our students about democracy in a hands-on way. Democracy, as many of you know, is a system of government where ‘the people rule.’ Since it’s impractical for everyone to make decisions on every issue, we elect representatives to do so on our behalf. This is what elections are all about, and this is what we aimed to demonstrate to our students.

The Big Day: How It Unfolded

On the morning of 1st July, excitement filled the air as students received their ballot papers during morning registration. The ballot papers were colour-coded to match the lanyards of the students, ensuring a smooth and organised voting process.

Students were given the freedom to vote anytime during the day until 3:30 PM. They cast their votes by placing their completed ballot papers in the ballot boxes located on the ground floor of Oak, Elm, and SFC buildings. These boxes were also colour-coded to avoid any mix-ups.

Learning by Doing

We had a whopping 98 parties standing in our General Election, including some with rather intriguing names:

  • The Reform UK Party

  • Workers Party of Great Britain

  • The Communist Party

  • The Monster Raving Loony Party

This variety gave our students a real taste of the diversity and richness of political choices available in a democratic system. For more detailed information about each party and their candidates, we encouraged students to visit the BBC election website. It served as a valuable resource for them to understand who is standing for election in their own communities.

Why This Matters

This event was more than just a school activity; it was a practical lesson in one of the fundamental British values—democracy. Regular elections are a cornerstone of our democratic system, and by involving our students in this process, we hoped to instil a deeper understanding and appreciation of how democracy functions.

Reflections and Future Plans

The feedback from students and staff alike has been overwhelmingly positive. Our students enjoyed the experience and gained valuable insights into the democratic process. We look forward to organising more such events in the future to continue fostering a sense of civic duty and engagement among our students.

Thank you to everyone who participated and made this day a success. Your enthusiasm and involvement are what make NSG such a vibrant and dynamic place to learn and grow.

Stay tuned for more updates and events from NSG!

Warm regards,

The Politics Team