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Bus Information

The transport industry has been affected by a variety of factors over recent years which have extensively increased their costs.  An incredibly robust procurement process has taken place to ensure that we secured the best price possible for parents, carers and the school, resulting in a cost increase for September 2024.

In light of this increase, we are pleased to confirm that the Governing Body approved a more substantial subsidy to that in previous years.  You will appreciate that this is a significant sum of money for us to commit as a school at a time when we are also feeling budgeting pressures. We believe this commitment recognises that these are very challenging financial times for families too. However, despite the additional subsidy from the school there will be an overall increase in the costs of transport to families this year.

Whilst we know that any increase has an impact on household budgets, we hope this additional subsidy increase will help to mitigate some of the increase in costs to the bus fare.

Bus Routes 2024/2025

All existing buses departing school at 3:45pm remain the same. These are as follows:

Maps of each route, with stopping points, cost and times are detailed below.

Late Bus Service

The late bus service departing school at 5:00pm will continue to operate on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays only. There are no late bus services on Thursdays and Fridays.


The information outlined below provides the details of the locations that will be served by the two late buses that will be in operation from September 2024.

  • 5:00pm Bus 1 : Moulton, Kingsthorpe, Kings Heath, Duston, St Crispins, Banbury Lane, Camp Hill, West Hunsbury, East Hunsbury, Grange Park, Wootton and Wootton Fields
  • 5:00pm Bus 2 : Boothville, Blackthorn, Ecton Brook, Bellinge, Little Billing, Standens Barn, Billing Road, Mounts, Spencer Bridge, Briar Hill, Far Cotton, London Road


Applying for a place on the school bus

If you would like to apply for a place on the school bus, please click the link above by 9:00am on Monday 15 July 2024.  You will need to complete a new form for each child wishing to travel on a school bus. Priority will be given to existing students, and applications received after 15 July 2024 will be placed on a waiting list if your chosen route is full.  A deposit of £100 must be paid through your ParentPay account by 31 July 2024 to secure your place.

Free School Meals or Pupil Premium Funding

Financial support is available to students eligible for Free School Meals or Pupil Premium Funding. To apply for this or for additional information, please email the finance office at or contact main reception on 01604 679551 and ask to speak with a member of the Finance team


Late Bus Routes:

Late Bus 1

Late Bus 2