First and foremost, attendance is the key to success
To enable both parents/carers and Northampton School for Girls to effectively work together on securing excellent attendance for all it is crucial that the expectations for school attendance, and the relevant procedures, are shared with you. This can be found here in the Department for Education’s ‘Working together to improve school attendance’ document (Published August 2024) and here for the ‘Summary table of responsibilities for school attendance’ (Published August 2024). However, for ease of reference please refer to the extract taken below:
“The law entitles every child of compulsory school age to an efficient, full-time education suitable to their age, aptitude, and any special educational need they may have. It is the legal responsibility of every parent to make sure their child receives that education either by attendance at a school or by education other than at a school.” (p6, ‘Working together to improve school attendance’, Department for Education)”
The school is dedicated to working alongside parents/carers and key stakeholders to best support them in fulfilling this legal requirement via the school’s enhanced attendance procedure detailed below with the aim to achieve 97% attendance across the school year.
Student’s tutor, pastoral officer and head of academic standards will work closely with parents/carers to identify, understand and overcome any barriers to a student’s attendance to school in line with the procedure stated below as well as working together to overcome/lessen any specific barriers unique to individual students and their families.
At Northampton School for Girls we believe that attendance matters. Consistent attendance supports students in the following ways: