KS4 NSG Choices
KS4 curriculum choices play a pivotal role in shaping the next step in your education; which means it is important that you make this decision as informed and well supported as possible.
Below you will find guidance from every subject available as a presentation or video as well as our curriculum choices booklet, a timeline of required actions as well as a presentation with further information. There is also a "frequently asked questions" document below if you have any questions regarding the process.
It is important that you consider your choices very carefully and discuss this with your tutor and/or subject teachers as well as your parents/carers before making your final decision.
During your Computing lesson on the week commencing 3rd March, you will receive your login to make your choices. Guidance regarding this can be found below as well as in your tutor group's Google Classroom. Once you have set up your username and password, in your Computing lesson, you can access the SIMS Options site here.
If you have any questions regarding the choice process please speak to your tutor or head of year. If it is about a specific subject please speak to your subject teacher.
For instructions on setting up your SIMS Options Online account and selecting your options please watch the video below.